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BUF23-5-Protein Loading dye 5X (For SDS-PAGE)

Protein Loading dye 5X (For SDS-PAGE)

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BUF23-51mLx5Get Quote


Protein Loading dye 5X is a sample buffer designed for the preparation and loading of protein samples onto SDS-PAGE gels. The 5X concentration enables the efficient dilution of samples, allowing for the loading of more proteins per well. The typical components of Protein Loading dye 5X may include SDS (Sodium dodecyl sulfate), glycerol, a tracking dye (such as bromophenol blue), and a reducing agent (such as DTT or β-mercaptoethanol).


  1. Sample Loading: Protein loading dye is added to protein samples to provide weight and color, making it easier to load the samples into the wells of the gel.
  2. Tracking: The dye in the loading buffer migrates through the gel alongside the protein samples during electrophoresis. This allows researchers to track the progress of the samples and estimate their migration distance.
  3. Visualization: Protein loading dye often contains a tracking dye, such as bromophenol blue or Coomassie blue, which provides color to the sample. This makes it easier to visualize and monitor the movement of proteins during electrophoresis.
  4. Sample Stability: The components of protein loading dye, such as SDS and reducing agents, help denature and stabilize the proteins in the sample, ensuring consistent migration during electrophoresis.

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