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​PUR12-50-G2P CuttingEdge Gel Extraction Kit

G2P CuttingEdge Gel Extraction Kit

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​PUR12-5050prepsGet Quote


The G2P CuttingEdge Gel Extraction Kit is a powerful tool for DNA fragment purification. It utilizes proprietary silica-based membrane technology to deliver high yields of pure DNA fragments in a simple and rapid protocol that takes less time to complete. The kit is compatible with a wide range of downstream applications.


  1. Restriction digestion: Purified DNA fragments can be used in restriction digestion experiments to study specific regions of interest.
  2. Cloning: Gel-extracted DNA fragments can be ligated into vectors for cloning purposes.
  3. Labeling: Purified DNA fragments can be labeled with fluorescent or radioactive tags for various applications, such as in situ hybridization.
  4. Ligation: Gel-extracted DNA fragments can be ligated together to create recombinant DNA molecules.
  5. In vitro transcription: Purified DNA fragments can serve as templates for in vitro transcription reactions.


Fig: Before gel extraction of 1.3 Kb gene fragment (1,2) lanes and after gel extraction (3,4) lanes.

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