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G2P Blood DNA Purification Kit (Spin /column based)

Cat. No.Pack SizeQuote
​PUR18-5050prepsGet Quote
​PUR18-250250prepsGet Quote


The G2P Blood DNA Purification Kit is an advanced solution-based DNA isolation protocol that enables the extraction of high-quality DNA from whole blood, plasma, serum, and other bodily fluids. The kit is designed to accommodate samples with 200 µl of fresh or frozen human whole blood and offers a simple processing method using spin columns in a centrifuge or on vacuum manifolds. Depending on the initial cell densities, the G2P Blood DNA Purification Kit can yield up to 94.5% recovery of pure DNA1.The G2P Blood DNA Purification Kit eliminates the need for phenol-chloroform extraction. During the purification process, impurities pass through the spin columns while DNA specifically attaches to the silica-gel membrane. In two effective wash phases, PCR inhibitors such as divalent cations and proteins are entirely eliminated, leaving only pure nucleic acid to be eluted in either water or a kit-supplied buffer.


  1. PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction): PCR is a widely used technique that amplifies specific regions of DNA. Blood DNA can be used as a template for PCR to study genetic variations, diagnose genetic diseases, or detect infectious agents.
  2. Restriction Enzyme Digestion: Blood DNA can be digested with restriction enzymes to prepare it for subsequent manipulation. This process involves using between 0.5 and 10 μg of DNA, and the resulting fragments can be analyzed or used for further experiments.
  3. Cloning: Cloning involves digesting blood DNA with restriction enzymes and ligating the fragments into a plasmid or other vector. This technique is used to create libraries, study repeats and expansions in genomic DNA, and perform site-directed mutagenesis.
  4. Genotyping: Blood DNA can be used for genotyping applications, such as identifying genetic variations or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). This information can be used in genetic research, personalized medicine, or forensic analysis.
  5. Gene Expression Analysis: Blood DNA can be used to study gene expression patterns in different tissues or under different conditions. Techniques such as microarrays or RNA sequencing can provide insights into gene regulation and cellular processes.
  6. Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS): NGS technologies allow for high-throughput sequencing of DNA samples, including blood DNA. This enables whole-genome sequencing, targeted sequencing, or transcriptome analysis.
  7. Paternity testing.


Fig: Blood DNA was isolated using PUR18 (lane 2) and PUR15 (lane 3) and compared with various other brands (lane 4-7). 100ng of DNA sample from each kit was loaded on 0.8% agarose gel, and stained with GreenR dye (PCRD10) and visualized under blue light transilluminator.

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